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Scotland's first Hacker camp.                            `--|_,`'

9th - 11th August 2024


We like to go somewhere with very few amenities (and poor connectivity). You should bring whatever you need to survive, a project to hack on/make/play with and some stuff to burn too.

We are running this year 9th - 11th August 2024 in a field near Huntly, Aberdeenshire, Scotland. More details are available in person or after you have a ticket.

We run a communal kitchen, and for a donation you can be fed all weekend. We need assistance in cooking meals, cleaning up, washing up and organising food. Get in touch if you want to help out

This year our format shall be slightly different from years gone by - we're inviting talks (and going through with it). Talks are to be on the topic of The project I haven't finished and last about 15 minutes. There will be no formal projection or screen facilities in the field, so be resourceful with presentation.

Come and Join Us

We have limited camping places to 25 tickets as we feel that is the maximum the field can hold. You do not need to be camping with us to talk or participate - you're welcome to come by on Saturday, hang out, drink coffee and eat lunch & dinner then head home!

Tickets are free, but if you're using the communal kitchen we ask for £40 (weekend) or £10 (Saturday Only) as a donation. This covers not only the cost of food, but fuel, upkeep on our infrastructure and investment in our future follies.

Tickets are available on tito.

All attendees are required to agree to our code of conduct

Black Lives Matter, Trans Rights are Human Rights, We have no tolerance for Nazis.

Call for Presentations

This year's prompt is: The project I haven't finished. Tell us about that thing that's in the air, we might be able to lift the deadlock. The less finished the better, but you must have at least started!

We're looking for submissions on any topic you're enthusiastic and excited about. If you enjoy it, the odds are we will too! You don't need to be an expert to propose anything. As we don't have a projector or screen, if you are creative with how you present it's likely everyone will be more excited about the topic.

Sessions will be roughly 15 minutes in length, we will allow for discussion following your session.

Talks should be aimed at a general audience (think experts in other fields, enthusiasts with limited backgrounds or complete newcomers), but they should also contain valuable content for your peers.

Submissions should be in the form of an email with a title and concept, the address will be announced soon.

All speakers are required to agree to our code of conduct
