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Scotland's first Hacker camp.                                  `--|_,`'             '        '    /____\             

Tolerance has a dependency chain
The Hackerspace goes camping. At home. Again.


Do you feel a strong desire to sit in a field and do the same things you do at home but in a field with your pals?

So do we, but this year (like last year) we've been campGNDd to protect lives. Let's do the same things at home that we want to do in a field with our pals that we'd normally do at home.

campGND is a weekend long camping festival for hackers and makers. This time we are groundd and we will be running from the clouds to your home.

campGNDd tries to take all the things we would normally do in a field, but we do them at home. campGNDd will run May 28th & 29th 2021 beamed into your house right from the clouds.

Come and Join Us

Normally we are limited by capacity at the camp site, but this year we are only limited by our dreams (and zoom license). As a departure from our normal event we are having talks, walk throughs and music.

Tickets are available on tito. campGNDd will be streamed to youtube with interaction happening through zoom. Interactivity will require a machine able to join a zoom call and will be enhanced by a good headset and a webcam. Watching the talks will require something that can speak to youtube.

All attendees are required to agree to our code of conduct

Black Lives Matter. Trans rights are human rights. We have no tolerance for Nazis.


Our programme is available here

Sessions will be roughly 25 minutes in length, we will create a place for discussion following each session.

Talks from campGNDd 2020 are available on our youtube channel.
